Tori Roaf
UMBRA President
Hello! I’m Tori Roaf, and I’m honored to serve as the President of UMBRA for the 2024-2025 academic year. I’m currently a senior majoring in aerospace engineering at Cal Poly, where I’ve been actively involved with UMBRA since I began my studies in Fall 2021. Throughout my time with the organization, I’ve had the opportunity to contribute to various projects, starting with the UMBRA Propulsion Mix Team. I then took on the roles of Designated Safety Officer (DSO) and Safety Lead for NASA Student Launch while working on the booster stage for ExoBronco. After serving as our organization's Treasurer, I’m excited to step into this new role of presidency. The experiences, knowledge, and connections I’ve gained through UMBRA have been invaluable in launching my career into the aerospace industry. I’m deeply grateful for everything UMBRA has provided me, and I’m committed to creating similar opportunities for future students through our innovative projects, educational outreach, professional networking, and our talented, dedicated team.
Enzo Nelligan
Vice President Internal
I'm Enzo Nelligan, I'm going into my final year here at Cal Poly for Aerospace Engineering. UMBRA took me in my freshman year and I was excited and ready to start, some people must've seen this and I was placed on a project team and the UMBRA board just in my freshmen year. I've since been a part of solid and liquid propulsion teams, sat in three different board positions, and devoted countless hours towards being project manager and helping freshmen gain the experience that I did in my first year. UMBRA is a great stepping stone into the aerospace industry, as it taught me many critical skills and gave me real world experience with the design, manufacturing, and test for our rockets. This experience helped me start my career into the rocket propulsion industry. UMBRA has taught me so much and I'm devoted to continue improving UMBRA to give others the same experience I had.
Garrett Spearow
Vice President External
Hey everyone, I'm Garrett. This is my final year at CPP in Aerospace Engineering and I'm currently the Vice President of External Affairs for UMBRA. My main goal in being here is not only to teach rocketry and help along those who need help, but also get UMBRA some recognition in industry for our extraordinary efforts from all our projects. When I'm not absolutely buried in homework, I'm probably sleeping or working on personal projects that I will gladly talk your ear off about it. But I'm probably sleeping. Say hey if you see me around.
Simon UttamTreasurer
Hi! My name is Simon and I’m the '24-25 Treasurer of UMBRA. I’m an aerospace engineering student in my junior year and have been in UMBRA for 3 years now. I joined UMBRA in my freshman year eager to learn, and some of the senior members took me in and showed me the ropes. I got onto a project team immediately, and then became a member of the board a semester later. This coming year I’ll be on two of UMBRA's projects as a member of the manufacturing team for Inferno, and the Lead Systems Engineer for CE-M.A.R.C.. In past years I worked on the Valves team for UMBRAs Casper liquid rocket, the fluids team for Inferno, and payload integration for the NASA Student Launch. Outside of clubs I am getting my Scuba Certification and forge knives and other tools with the metalworking skills I have built up over the years.
Jordan AquinoScheduler
Hi all! My name is Jordan Aquino and I am the scheduler for UMBRA, as well as a member on Project Inferno. I have been in UMBRA for 3 years now, taking part in multiple projects so far such as Project Workhorse, NASA Student Launch, UMBRA Student Launch, and Project Casper. This will be my second year as UMBRA Scheduler. I love cooking and anime (especially Gundam), and you'll probably gather that very quickly. I'm excited for this upcoming year, and moreso excited to see what I can do for you!
Parsa PakdelE-Council Representative
Howdy! I’m Parsa, a senior Mechanical Engineering student specializing in Aerospace. As a second-year member of UMBRA, I contribute to Project Inferno's Engines team and mentor the Small Rocket Competition (SRC) teams. My passion for rocketry has led me to pursue my L1 and L2 high-power rocketry certifications. Outside of academics, I enjoy DJing, camping, working out, and watching videos of huskies—especially of my own goofball noise machine. UMBRA has been a transformative experience in my academic journey, and I am excited to continue collaborating with our talented members to design, build, and launch more rockets!
Shridhi SethPR Manager
Hi everyone! I'm Shridhi, a second year ARO major. I'm currently the PR manager for UMBRA as well as the recovery lead for ExoBronco. I joined UMBRA last year as a freshman and was a member of the ExoBronco recovery subteam. When I'm not stressing over homework I love playing tennis and eating yummy food. In order to pay for this yummy food I also tutor at the LRC. If you see me on campus come say hi!
Daniel PaekWorkshop Manager
Hey folks, I'm Daniel, this year's Workshop Manager! I got into the engineering field because of the social aspect, and boy what a bad choice that was! At least I enjoy the actual engineering part too. If you ever need a hand with some schoolwork or project work, you're best off asking someone else, since I'm quick to forget everything taught to me. But trust me, I won't forget how to teach you! Come visit any of the workshops and say hi, I don't usually bite!
Noah BenderUnderclass Representative
Hey y'all, I'm Noah and I'm one of your Underclass Reps this year. I'm a sophomore this year and a member of UMBRA Propulsion, and was a part of the Small Rocket Competition last year. I'm really excited to meet all of you fellow underclassmen and help you get involved in UMBRA and rocketry in general! Outside of school, I am also a massive nerd (shocking, I know) and do a lot of tabletop and video games, but I will randomly go for hikes in the mountains whenever I get a chance. If you see me around, feel free to say hi, I'll happily talk your ear off about UMBRA or rocketry or anything really.
Jessica DhillonUnderclass RepresentativeHello! My name is Jessica Dhillon and it is my pleasure to be one of your Underclassmen Representatives this year. I am a second year ARO major and I am pursuing minors in both International Business as well as Marketing Management. I am currently involved in designing motor casings in UMBRA Prop. Aside from UMBRA, I really enjoy crocheting, cooking/baking, and camping. I am really excited to see what this year has in store. Definitely feel free to ask me any questions if you see me around!
Josiah LopezBoard SecretaryHey everyone! My name is Josiah Lopez and I am the ‘24-25 Secretary of UMBRA, as well as a member of our project Inferno’s manufacturing team. I have been apart of UMBRA going on two years now and have been involved in various projects such as Inferno, Exo-Bronco, SRC, and now a current mentor for our SRC program. When I’m not working on projects or studying, you’ll most likely find me at the gym, a concert or the movies. I am really looking forward to working with our board and all our members to continue the ongoing positive progression of our program!